American with Disabilities Act (ADA)


This is a national mandate to end discrimination against individuals with disabilities in employment, state and local government services, public accommodations and commercial facilities, and telecommunications.


The Steps for Receiving ADA Accommodations:

  1. 1

    Contact the ADA Coordinator

    Your first step is to identify yourself as a student with a disability. Complete the “Disability Accommodations Request Form” and submit it to the ADA Coordinator Ms. Angela Jones. The Student Success Center Room #120.

  2. 2

    Gather Documentation

    Your next step is to obtain documentation of your disability and provide this information to the ADA Coordinator. Because reasonable accommodations are based on the current impact of a disorder or impairment, it is necessary that all documentation and testing should be no more than three (3) years old. The ADA Coordinator will consider your requests based on documentation submitted.

  3. 3

    Schedule an Appointment

    Once you have documentation, make an appointment with the ADA Coordinator to discuss your particular needs. Once your documentation has been received and the appropriate paperwork completed, your requests will be reviewed.

  4. 4

    Once You Are Approved

    Once the accommodations form is formally approved, the ADA Coordinator will submit the requested accommodation to the instructor(s).  It is the ADA Coordinator’s responsibility to notify the faculty member of student’s accommodations in order for he/she to follow such accommodations.  The student is encouraged to make an initial contact with the instructor at the first of class and set up a time to discuss the accommodations. Accommodations are valid beginning on the date of the letter. During the term, if you realize that an accommodation is not working or that you need additional support, please bring that to the attention of the ADA Coordinator as soon as possible. Feel free to discuss with your instructors any questions or concerns about your accommodations. It is recommended that you take a copy of your accommodations to your instructors for verification. 

For information concerning Dual Enrollment offered at Wallace Selma please contact:

Angela Jones

Angela Jones

Student Success Coach, Health Science/ADA Coordinator


Use the buttons below to request ADA accommodations, view the ADA Student Contract, and submit an ADA survey :

(Returning Students Only)

Mailing Information:

Ms. Angela Jones, ADA Coordinator
Wallace Community College Selma
P.O. Box 2530
Selma, Alabama 36702-2530
Telephone: (334) 876-9297